The Code
Our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics
At Fluor, we work to ensure that all employees, regardless of geography or culture, have the tools, knowledge and resources they need to maintain the highest standards of ethics and compliance. Fluor's Code of Business Conduct and Ethics (the Code) is the centerpiece of our commitment to conducting business ethically and in compliance with the law.
While the Code cannot possibly cover every subject area or situation, it guides employees regarding the right questions to ask, the right experts to consult and the right way to make decisions. The Code includes an ethical decision-making framework and a list of available resources where employees can obtain guidance or raise concerns.
The Code is reviewed on at least an annual basis and updated as appropriate to address Fluor's evolving compliance and ethics risks.

Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy
Beyond the Code, Fluor has more detailed policies and practices for its higher risk areas. For example, our Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy prohibits bribing or receiving a bribe from any third party.